Yeah, the "Snow Leopard crowd", The only advanced operating system from apple to use only one Gig of RAM to function, and also a sign of a pending future of our wallets reaching to get to the next level of "Chi" past Mountain Lion. I want to thank this developer for completing the Snow Leopard update on this app. The original version of this was fantastic. This update was well worth the wait. Basically, if you use your mac a LOT like I do, you probably have a heck of a lot applications to sift through. This app is the best possible solution to launching and organizing apps on a desktop Mac. Especially for us "Snow" people who dont have Lion based utilty apps like "mission control" or "lanchpad." Not only is this app super cool, it is also super clean. I hate a cluttered Dock and Desktop, and love the fact I can reach any one of hundreds of apps just from a drag and a click.-Cool
Chadwick, SD, Ca. about Tab Launcher